Sun, Mar 24
TNW-ATC Spring Equinox Magick Circle 2024 e.v. : Awakening to Nu Beginnings at Ostara
Join us as we turn the Witches' Wheel of the Year this Spring Equinox at Pentagram Shoppe! Entrance donation is non-perishable food item(s) for food pantry. Plan to arrive by 4:15 pm. Doors closed at 4:30 pm. As space is limited, registration is required. ( for more info)
Time & Location
Mar 24, 2024, 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Salem, 282 Derby St Rear 3, Salem, MA 01970, USA
About the Event
We Witches are an imaginative lot. The lives of our Spiritual Ancestors may have been ruled by the survival needs of their Agrarian Societies, but in more modern times, the Legendary Wheel of the 8 Solar Festivals, which includes those originally celebrated as "The Cross Quarter Days", and now additionally includes the two Equinoxes and Solstices, affords us the opportunity to think about, contemplate, experience and celebrate each of these Seasonal Shifts in as personal a way as we do will. Many Witches have been able to acquire a Book of Shadows from private lineaged sources that give a written road map of sorts for ritual performance of these practices, and our Salem Temple of Nine Wells - ATC has been providing public access to these mysteries. This Sacred Cross Quarter Day of the Witches' Wheel of the Year balances Day and Night, Dark and Light as the Sun moves through the horns of the ram into the Zodiacal sign of Aries. Spring Equinox is a time when a potent shift from Wintertime’s personal inner work, meditations and planning are behind us, and it is time to get started doing things that will transform those plans into our reality. Spring is coming! Get ready to Evolve! Go for it! Forget about Winter!
Time to Rebirth ourselves! Celebrate our connection to Higher Consciousness!
Align ourselves with the Vernal Equinox! Get ready to open our hearts and minds to Creative Possibility!
The Spring Equinox is the time each year to redefine our life goals and find out what life’s core mysteries are - who we are now in the world, and what are our current skills and talents. This is a time of hope, joy, and celebration, time to get ready, to prepare, to renew for the promise of better days ahead. Time to wake ourselves up as Free Spirits to Total Possibility.
Since 1992 e.v. The Salem Temple of Nine Wells has offered a rich legacy of public service to the local community at many different venues since its inception. It has been an amazing and magnificent priviledge to offer ceremonies of Witchcraft, Magick, music, folklore and more. These Interactive Ritual presentations featured songs, elemental consecrations and attunements, invocations, guided pathworkings, stories, charms, chants, channeled messages, tarot, spells, candle blessings, anointings, and knowledge lectures.
At The Temple of Nine Wells-ATC, our public Wiccan congregation established in 1992 e.v. here in Salem, we have been exploring the core mysteries of these festivals "Sabbats", by offering for decades open ceremonies for each, and letting our imaginations take us on a deep dive into their customs, symbols and themes. On the surface, these themes may possibly seem obvious and/or even mainstream, due to the co-opting of our ways by organized religious groups for their purposes, however, historical sources that describe the multi-cultural celebrations of the Spiritual celebrations of our Spiritual fore-Mothers and fore-Fathers have widened our perceptions of these Sacred Holy Days and allowed us to enjoy our personal callings. In this Spring Equinox Witches' Sabbat Ceremony we have prepared a journey for all of us through the Wild Wood, while also hearkening back to Ancient Myth and Mysteries.
If it be your will, we invite you to join the Priests and Priestesses of the Temple of Nine Wells-ATC and friends & family at Ostara for an evening of ritual, song and merriment as we reconnect ourselves in our Sacred Grove to the Divine Source of All Being, the Soul of Nature, Mother Gaia, Holy Mother Earth and the Green Man, the Spirit of Fertility in Nature!
Blessed Be with Love From Salem,
Rev. Gypsy Ravish HPs. & the Salem Temple of Nine Wells Council of Elders
May the Gods Preserve the Craft!